HIGH QUALITY VIETNAMESE PRODUCTS FAIR is a trusted destination for the business community to introduce products, reach consumers, connect with businesses, participate in supply chains...
At the same time, it is also a place where consumers can shop for high-quality Vietnamese products and identify Vietnamese brands, contributing to building and strengthening the reputation of Vietnamese businesses.
Participating in the HIGH QUALITY VIETNAMESE PRODUCTS FAIR, Dien Quang offers consumers extremely attractive incentive programs such as:
- Lucky spin minigame to win Dien Quang products: applies to customers who purchase orders over 200,000 VND
- Discount 20% on Dien Quang LED products during the fair
- Golden hour discount 30% for Dien Quang Led products applies from 19:30 - 21:30 every day, Sunday applies from 8:00 to 22:00 (applied on retail price including VAT)
Fair Information:
Address: An Giang High Quality Vietnamese Goods Fair is held at Golden City An Giang urban area, Nguyen Hoang street, My Hoa, Long Xuyen city, An Giang.
Time: 05/03/2019 – 10/03/2019